Welcome to the world of pure care and natural solutions. At Big Momma Essentials, we are dedicated to crafting the finest handmade soaps, salves, body butters, maginisume cream, magnisiume spray and bath bombs for children with eczema and skin problems. Our commitment to quality and innovation sets us apart as a leading Handmade Soap Manufacturer.

Uncover the heartfelt story behind Big Momma Essentials, where meticulous craftsmanship and a commitment to excellence come together. As a loving mother of six energetic children, I have tirelessly searched for the most effective solutions to alleviate the discomfort of those battling sensitive skin and eczema. My personal journey—spanning 16 years—through the trials of acne and eczema fueled my determination to heal my son from the pain he endured. This experience ignited a deep desire to empower and support other mothers and individuals navigating the same difficult path, offering them hope and relief.